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Ormus Hawaii 19.5 Monoatomic Gold 32oz

Ormus Hawaii 19.5 Monoatomic Gold 32oz

Regular price $144.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $144.00 USD
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"Ormus is shipped in gold foil to protect it from EMFs"

Ormus - Benefits

 Clearer Thinking
 More dreams
 Lucid dreams
 Dream recall
 Astral travel
 Developed Intuition
 Emotional cleansing
 Immune booster
 Greater Clarity and Focus
 Heightened Senses
 Sense of Being Fully Present
 Sense of Calm
 Thought Manifestation
 Enhances Divine timing
 Raises consciousness
 Enhances ESP extrasensory
 Balances both hemispheres of the
 brain similar to a 30-year meditator.
 Activates the pineal gland and pituitary
 Strengthens conscious connection to

                              Ormus - Physical Benefits

Aids Intestinal Tract  Absorption of Food Particles
Body Cells' Generation of Hydroelectric Energy
Body Cells' Hydration and Nourishment
Body Cells' Regeneration and Communication
Body Cells' Rejuvenation
Improves Vision
Increases Electrolytes
Increases Energy
Prevents Muscle Cramps
Promotes Bone Strength
Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar
Promotes Healthy Cellular PH Balance
Promotes Healthy DNA & RNA
Promotes Healthy Immune System Function

   Plant Benefits include:
-Improved nutrient and water uptake
-Improved root growth
-Improved plant growth and yield
-Reduced transplant shock
-Reduced drought stress
-Increases cellular respiration
-Makes plants more phototropic.
-Increases photosynthesis.
-Increases carbohydrate content of sap
-Increases soil microflora
-Nitrogen fixing and other bacteria.
-Phosphorous leaching and other fungi.

-Improves soil tilth and aeration.
-Makes plants healthier, and resistant to problems.
-Makes plants more drought tolerant.
-Makes plants more transplant tolerant.
-Fruit become larger and much better tasting.
-Keeping quality is enhanced.
-Mineral and vitamin content is increased.
-The growing cycle is shortened by weeks.
-Crop yields are increased 15% to 35%
-Application is easy and inexpensive.

*One of the most special things about this particular Ormus is that it was made in Hawaii on the 19.5 vortex which is a hotspot for monoatomic gold!

"Every batch is made on a Full Moon for the Highest Quality"

Imagine Being in a magical state of synchronicity where everything just seems to work in divine order . finding that your manifestations come with ease. Having "ESP" extrasensory perception. A feeling of overall well being! more vivid, lucid dreams . Experiencing an Awareness beyond the norm.

Celestial Ormus from the Stars

Ormus is a Celestial Magic like Herbs are Earth Magic.
 It Begins in the Stars when Platinum Group Metals like Gold,
Silver, Rhodium, Palladium, Iridium, and Platinum are Created
 inside Stars When these Stars Create SuperNovas by colliding.
SuperNova's Spreads the  Platinum Group Through the Cosmos
some Landing Here on Earth and those metals have the ability
 to Transform to a High Spin State.
Then Becomes Ormus the Purest state of the Purest
Metals and when the Platinum Group Become Ormus They are at
 there purest state and are no longer a Metal. NOW they are a
Multidimensional Superconductive Silica that is Pure Prana/
 Life Force Energy its everywhere when Ormus is Concentrated its
like Juicing 8 bags of Carrots or greens and Concentrating it
 to one teaspoon Ormus is cosmic Food/Energy for the Light Body
as the Egyptains Put it. The Egyptians knew about the Light Body
 which is not as Known these days and is Now Being Remembered
and Rediscovered. Research a little yourself its Fun!
  Much Love Earth Family!
     In Lak'ech...

                      What makes our Ormus so Special

What makes our Ormus so different than every other Ormus out
 there is that we live on the the island of Hawaii on the 19.5
vortex point which is an apex of energy. The sea salt that is
 used in the making of our Ormus comes directly from the sacred
(DSW) where this apex of energy is most potent.
 We then use fresh spring distilled water from a very special spring that
flows from the most sacred and highest mountains in the world
 called Mauna Kea that is on the 19.5 Votex as well.
It is a very well known that the Monatomic elements that
 are naturally occuring in the waters in this area are the highest
in concentration of anywhere on earth and is why
 We make our Ormus from Hawaii at the 19.5
                                          19.5 Hawaii Ormus

There are locations on the planet that are energetic
 hyper dimensional hot spots. The most powerful of
 these can be found at 19.5-degrees north and south latitude.
The elements in the 19.5 Ormus are what the Earth is
 creating now. Hawaii has the highest concentrations of ormus elements.  
                                Why is Ormus good for humans?

Ormus minerals can have an alkaline-based, complementary effects on the human body. These effects can subsequently protect us against acids and enhance our immune systems. By having a full store of complimentary vitamins and minerals in our bodies than our bodies and immune system can run more efficiently and keep us healthy.
                                      Ormus Minerals for Pets?
Can I share Ormus concentrate products with my pets? Animals benefit greatly from Ormus supplementation. The daily dose for an animal should not exceed 8 drops for each 5 pounds of body weight.


The origin of ormus health dates back during the Egyptian ancient times when the alchemists worked in seclusion to come up with the famous philosopher's stone. The materials have gained use over the recent times due to the perceived health benefits, as they have been known to positively effect human health.
Few scientists have however initiated research on these materials. The supplements has shown to increase the brain and body activity through increased rate of blood circulation within the system. This health process helps the body function on lower amounts of electrical signals therefore expanding the brain capacity to absorb more information and make faster judgments. This is evident not only for human beings but also improves the health of animals and plants as well as enlarging the fruits and leaves of plants. This makes it more useful not only in the human health but also in plant production. Ormus  supplements naturally contain magnesium that raises the body PH which is vital for metabolism process hence leading to high production of energy. This process has a body cleaning effect that allows body tissues to shed off the worn out cells, hence is perceive to offer a holistic approach to both physiological and physical impairments, enabling proper body functioning.

                                  ORMUS and PLANTS
                               A product for the benefit of agriculture
                                      and ultimately for HU-mankind.
  Ormus which is also addressed as ORME
 (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Element or M-state   element)
 is what the scientists have named the elements which
 the Ancient Egyptian's termed as Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of life.

 its demand has risen exponentially as an energy source for the living components. What makes Ormus unique is its structural design. It is a single atom which has popped out of an atom cluster. This single atom spins at a fast rate and thus making it a superconductor. It is complete in itself and traverses through the body causing vibration and thus generating growth. The relationship of Ormus and plants has been a topic of research and has yielded results that prove beneficial to mankind and agriculture combined. This single atom spins at a fast rate and thus making it a superconductor. Ormus and plants together have an amazing combination where the Ormus helps the plants to utilize its full energy with the help of the minerals contained in it, which are missing in the soil. So, by using Ormus and its related products in agriculture one can grow bigger and better plants producing bigger, heavier and more nutritious fruits and vegetables. So, if you own a farm and the vegetables grown there are not as big or good as your expectations, despite all your hard work and money put in. Then you must try Ormus on your farms and see your farm yield better products than ever before. The benefits that the soil and plants get from Ormus are numerous. The use of Ormus products increases the cellular respiration in plants making them grow at a faster rate than ever before and also helping them absorb all the minerals from the soil effectively which finally yield better agricultural products with better nutrition content in them.
Ormus is also a very nutritious dietary supplement, which is also taken through alternate medicine. So, if the vegetables and fruits are grown with Ormus products then its nutrition content will benefit the consumer and will yield better rates and larger quantities for the producer, benefiting both sides. Ormus is as close as something could get to actually being the elixir of life.
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